The mission of the Williston Basin United Way is to enhance the quality and dignity of life for individuals and families by raising and distributing funds to area organizations.
Williston Basin United Way
Minimum Eligibility Requirements
Williston Basin United Way uses the following criteria to determine eligibility of an organization for funding. These criteria must be continually met and evidence to that effect furnished to Williston Basin United
Way. Funds granted in 2023 will be distributed starting the first quarter of 2024.
- The agency program must provide services to local communities in the counties of Williams, McKenzie and/or Divide.
- The agency must render a service which meets a demonstrated human need; its programs must be of quality and quantity which will justify present and proposed expenditures. The agency program must provide a health, welfare, or social service.
- The agency must provide services and/or programs that do not unnecessarily duplicate existing services and/or programs.
- The agency must operate as a not-for-profit organization which may legally conduct business in the State of North Dakota.
- The agency must be prepared to provide updated financial information and program outcome data as requested.
- Have operational expenses in proportion to direct services (suggested maximum management/fundraising costs not to exceed 25%).
- The agency program must not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex, age, or national origin in its staffing policies, use of volunteers, or provision of services.
- The agency program must demonstrate a clear ability to manage both its programs and its finances in accordance with generally accepted procedures.
- The agency must agree to abide by the terms set forth in the Agency Agreement.
- The agency must be willing and able to donate at least 10 hours of volunteer time to a 2023 United Way event or other campaign effort.
Basin United Way will not fund:
- Direct funds to individuals
- Capital construction costs
- Deficit funding
Please click here to download a "Word" version of the application